Auditory summation: Week 6, DIGITAL FLUENCY


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Follow the link to the Voki presentation focusing on the Week 6 topic “Digital Fluency”

Following is the script to my Voki:

Skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to function in this digital age are considered digital fluency. “In a digital context for learning, fluency involves using technologies readily and strategically to learn, to work and to play ” (Spencer, 2015). Digital fluency is necessary for a range of career choices (Manus, 2013).

We are present during a time where digital technology surrounds us. As educators, facilitators, workers and parents we must learn how to become digitally fluent. This will allow us to navigate information, create information, and being able to support our abilities to pursue learning. “There should be a sense of not only moving towards the skills needed, developing proficiency in key programs and digital technologies” (Howell, 2012, p. 139 ). Therefore, “teachers should seek to develop this critical set of skills” (Howell, 2012, p.139). As teachers, it is very important to develop digital fluency as we have become a part and leaders of the digital world for the next generations. It is also “an expectation of the Australian Curriculum” (Australian curriculum and reporting authority, 2013).

Retrieved from:


This diagram shows the importance of parents being digitally fluent and educated, as it ultimately has an impact on their children achieving a higher digital expectancy. Those students who had parents with a higher education excel more digitally and academically.  

Teachers should develop their student’s digital fluency “continually, through a range of interesting and exciting digital means” (Howell, 2012, p. 139). This will provide students access to technology and digital devices to students who might not have access to technology and digital devices at home and their only exposure is through school and teachers. Through completing this task, I have learnt how to incorporate different programs to intrigue and captivate students through integrating technology, both benefitting the educator and students.


Australian curriculum ad reporting authority.  (2013). General capabilities. Retrieved from:

Figure 5- Thomson, S. (2015). AUSTRALIAN STUDENTS IN A DIGITAL WORLD. Retrieved from:

Howell, J. (2012). Teaching with ICT: Digital Pedagogies for Collaboration and Creativity. Victoria: Oxford University Press.

Image 4. (2016). Digital fluency. Retrieved from:

Manus, S. M. (2013). Getting young people fluent in digital. The Guardian. Retrieved from

Spencer, K. (2015). What is digital fluency? Retrieved from:




Image 2

Explore the week 2 topic on “digital identities and digital securities” in the Prezi included below (click on the link provided below)

Written entry of the prezi link provided:

A digital identity is an identity you carry in real life but an internet equivalent. This identification is used for transactions and connections within the digital world. “Our digital identity is the permanent collection of data about us that is available online” (adapted, The Web, & Design, 2015). It includes everything we do on a digital platform from searches, to social media, online purchase and emails. We are a part of the digital world, therefore, our digital identity is becoming more crucial and detailed.

“More than 75% of employers actively research candidates online” (Fertik, 2012). It has become increasingly important to have a positive online identity as “70% of these employers has decided not to hire a candidate based on what they have found” (Fertik 2012). It is important to choose a professional and well-known platform i.e: LinkED to show information you wish the world to see, whilst keeping other information private.

Retrieved from:

We are faced with vulnerability online for example online banking:

  • Weak passwords
  • Sharing passwords
  • Using the same passwords
  • Easily answerable security questions


    Image 3

ThreatMetrix is introduced as “The Digital Identity Graph maps the ever-changing associations between people and their devices, locations, account credentials, and behavior to form an adaptive, global framework of anonymized user identities used for fighting cybercrime—without compromising privacy” (ThreatMetrix, 2017).

Retrieved from:

We should all understand that the information we portray on the internet forms our digital identity can be easily found and accessed by others depending on the privacy settings. Therefore we must make sure our information is digitally secure. Digitally secure “is the protection of your digital identity… digital security includes the tools you use to secure your identity” (“What is digital security? ” N.D). We sometimes unintentionally give out information that may put our digital security into risk. This includes the pictures we put up, information such as where we work, live or study. All these information may compromise our safety.

As we are all part of a digital world, it has its pros and cons. We are more digitally active therefore our lives become intertwined with digital world and identities. Protecting our private information and identities on the web is important for our digital security.


Adapted, U.-D., Web, T. W., & Design, G. (2015). How are you defining YOUR digital identity? Retrieved from

Fertik, M. (2012, April 3). Your future employer is watching you online. You should be, too. Retrieved from:

Image 2. (2016). digital identity. Retrieved from:

Image 3. (2015). Retrieved from
ThreatMetrix. (2017). Digital Identity Graph. Retrieved from
What is digital security? (N.D) Retrieved from:
Prezi References

Image 1. (2017). Retrieved from

Image 2. (2017). Retrieved from

Image 3. (2017). Retrieved from

Image 4. (2017). Retrieved from

Image 5. (2017). Retrieved from

Image 6. (2017). Retrieved from

Image 7. (2017). Retrieved from


Written summation: Week 1, WHAT IS A DIGITAL WORLD?


Image 1

“We live in a digital world” is often said by many of us nowadays. So what is a digital world? A digital world is a variety of technology used everywhere from our homes to workplaces, schools and all other possible environments it could be used and exposed to us. Living in a digital world puts pressure on us teachers to develop our technology knowledge. As mentioned by Howell (2012), “digital pedagogy is the study of how to teach using digital technologies” (Howell, 2012, p. 5). It is crucial because students are expected to be taught via the use of digital technologies (Howell, 2012). This is a result due to the new technological advances during the 21st century. Take a moment to reflect on your uses of different digital materials we use in our daily life. We use digital technology in all of its aspects, from socialising with friends on social media or via text, our use of smartphones, tablets and computers we seem to be surrounded by digital tools within our reach. It has contributed to a big change in the world and daily routines in life.

Retrieved from:

Some factors contributing to our digital world mentioned by Howell (2012, p. 59) that makes us fully engaged and eager to participate in the digital world include:

  • Electronic devices used more than previous generations, that includes household, communication, recreational and work devices.
  • The knowledge-based society-knowledge drives the current economic model, and knowledge or information is electronic.
  • eConsumerism- we shop electronically, search for items and respond to trends electronically and this has significantly changed our behaviours.
  • Digital consumerism- the majority of our communication is conducted electronically.

Living and being a part of a digital world has lead to high level of use and digital expectancy from workers to teachers to students and even parents. As a future teacher, this made me more digitally aware of what is out there and a better understanding of how my students will have to grow up in the digital world.

Retrieved from:


Howell, J. (2012). Teaching with ICT: Digital Pedagogies for Collaboration and Creativity. Victoria: Oxford University Press.

Image 1. Retrieved from